Localisation of SDGs at UTM

1.2.1 | Students living below the national poverty line a) Have target for admission and graduation b) Proportion by gender and study year c) Propotion receiving financial aid |
1.3.1 | 1.3.1 Proportion of students covered by social protective programmes (e.g., food, housing, transportation, legal services) to enable them to complete university by a) Gender b) Disabilities c) Students below national poverty line d) International student from low-income country |
1.4.1 | Proportion of students and staff involve in providing services to community a) Access to basic services b) Economic resources c) Start-up sustainable business via education resource / financial funding d) Community education program/training e) Policy making involvement |
1.a.1 | Proportion of generated resources allocated directly to poverty reduction programmes |
1.a.2 | Proportion of total spending on essential services (education, health and social protection) |
1.b.1 | Proportion of recurrent and capital spending that benefit women, the poor and vulnerable groups |

2.1.2 (x) | Numbers of targeted student/community within campus for the “food bank” program |
2.2.1 | Total of food that is discarded or lost uneaten by all catering services on campus |
2.2.2 (x) | Sum of the FTE to the percentage/number on the allocation of Endowment/Gifts to the “food” program |
2.3.1 | University programme in place on students food insecurity/hunger (including supply access, choices of food, affordable) |
2.3.2 | University programme in place on students food insecurity/hunger (including supply access, choices of food, affordable) |
2.4.1 | University programme in place on students food insecurity/hunger (including supply access, choices of food, affordable) |
2.5.1 | University programme in place on students food insecurity/hunger (including supply access, choices of food, affordable) |
2.5.2 | Proportion of graduates in participating agricultural courses/modules including sustainability aspects |

3.2.1 | Proportions of student graduating in the associated health professions |
3.3.1 | University programme to enhance the quality of life based on the various efforts within staff/student activities |
3.3.2 | University programme to promote/enhance/improve the health impact initiatives |
3.3.3 | University programme to promote/enhance/improve the health impact initiatives |
3.3.4 | University programme to promote/enhance/improve the health impact initiatives |
3.3.5 | University programme to promote/enhance/improve the health impact initiatives |
3.4.2 | University programme to promote/enhance/improve the health impact initiatives |
3.5.1 | Total numbers of staff/student benefited health/medical treatment |
3.8.2 | University programme to support the health protection to the staff |

4.2.1 | Number of graduates who gained primary school teaching qualifications |
4.2.2 | Number of graduates who gained a qualification that entitled them to teach at primary school level |
4.3.1 | Number of academic programs and training courses which promote sustainable development offered in the last 12 months |
4.4.1 | Number of public lectures and/or community educational events hosted by University in the last 12 months |
4.5.1 | Number of executive education programmes and/or vocational training conducted by University in the last 12 months |
4.7.1 | Extent to which (i) global citizenship education and (ii) education for sustainable development, including gender equality and human rights, are mainstreamed a) Curricula; and b) Student assessment |
4.a.1 | Percentage of schools/faculties within UTM that have access to a) The Internet for educational purposes b) Computer for educational purposes, c) Disability-adapted infrastructure d) Basic drinking water e) Single-sex basic sanitation facilities |
4.b.1 | Volume of official development assistance flows for scholarships by sector and type of study |
4.c.1 | Proportion of academic staff who have received at least the minimum organized training (e.g. pedagogical training) pre-service or in-service required for teaching |

5.1.1 | Whether or not legal frameworks are in place to promote, enforce and monitor equality and non‑discrimination on the basis of gender |
5.2.1 | Whether or not a systematic measure is in place to track women’s application rate, acceptance/entry rate and study completion rate at the University |
5.2.2 | Whether or not a policy (e.g., an Access and Participation plan) is in place to address women’s applications, acceptance/entry, and participation at the University |
5.3.1 | Whether or not women’s access schemes are available a) Mentoring b) Scholarship c) Other targeted support |
5.5.1 | Proportion of seats held by women in Jawatankuasa Pengurusan Universiti (JPU), Senate, and Lembaga Pengarah Universiti (LPU) |
5.5.2 | Proportion of female staff in senior managerial positions |
5.b.1 | Proportion of UTM population who own a mobile telephone, by gender |
5.c.1 | Whether or not systems are in place to track and make public allocations for gender equality and women’s empowerment |

6.1.1 | To provide facilities safely managed drinking water sevices to student and staff regularly and effectively to measure volume of water used in the university; a) Total volume use b) Inbound (treated / extracted water) c) Rainwater harvesting in volume collected d) Reused/recycled water |
6.2.1 | To increase the number of maintenance and inspection of storage water and water supply (NRW). The installation of water meter in individual buildings. |
6.3.1 | To prepare a processes flow and to prevent polluted water entering the water system, including pollution caused by accidents and incidents at the university? Initiative projects of ground water and monitoring some unit of water wells in UTM. |
6.3.2 | Provide free drinking water for students, staff and visitors. |
6.4.1 | Water conservation activities, rainwater harvesting program, recycling/re-use of water in the premises, advice for water resources protection and to admit success stories on water conservation in the campus. |
6.4.2 | Level of water stress: freshwater withdrawal as a proportion of available freshwater resources in UTM increase to 10%. |
6.5.1 | Campain Reused/recycled water. Promote the sustainable water conservation, protection, and degree of integrated water resources management implementation in the target areas |
6.5.2 | Water in the community: Provide educational opportunities for local communities to learn about good water management |
6.6.1 | Support water conservation off campus and community |
6.a.1 | Sustainable planning to the total water related development assistance and sanitation which are part of the expenditure plan |
6.b.1 | To increase the number of administrative units with policies and procedures established and operating to involve local communities in water management and sanitation in the designated area of administration |

7.1.1 | Integrated energy initiatives: smart meters, campaigns, obsolete air conditioner system replacement, LED lighting, automation: Target Energy Efficiency Index (EEI) 2020 |
7.1.2 | University plans to upgrade existing buildings to higher energy efficiency Develop clean fuel energy resources in targeted community |
7.2.1 | Towards a low carbon campus with renewable energy development |
7.3.1 | Tightening the Building Energy Code, standards making minimum energy performance requirements for new buildings and major refurbishments statutory. Good practice in making buildings more energy-efficient should be recognised |
7.a.1 | To support clean energy research and development and renewable energy production, included in the hybrid system became the main agenda for the low carbon campus |
7.b.1 | Investments in energy efficiency to reduce overall building electricity bills via discounted rate offered for utilization of solar energy generated. |
7.3.1 | To measure total energy used in Gigajoule (GJ) and University floor space |
7.3.2 | Energy and the community: provide programmes for local community to learn about importance of energy efficiency and clean energy |

8.2.1 | Annual growth rate of real GDP per staff |
8.4.2 | Material consumption and material consumption per capita |
8.5.1 | Average hourly earnings of female and male staff, by occupation, age and disability status |
8.8.1 | Frequency rates of fatal and non-fatal occupational injuries, by gender |
8.8.2 | Level of compliance with labour rights based on International Labour Organization (ILO) textual sources and national legislation, by gender and migrant status |
8.10.1 | a)Number of commercial bank branches per 10,000 UTM population and b)Number of automated teller machines (ATMs) per 10,000 UTM population |
8.b.1 | Existence of a developed and operationalized strategy for graduate employment |

9.3.1 | Registered companies’ set-up to exploit intellectual property that has originated from within the institution (Number of spin-offs) |
9.5.1 | Research income in total and by subject area |
9.5.2 | Number of academic staff by subject area |
9.a.1 | Total research funds and Total research funds dedicated to sustainability research (in US Dollars) |
9.c.1 | Proportion of population in campus covered by a mobile network, by technology |

10.1.1 | Measure first generation students who are starting a first degree and first-generation students starting a first degree |
10.2.1 | Ensure that all male and female students, particularly the poor and vulnerable, have the same rights to learning resources, as well as access to basic services, rights and freedom of expression and other forms, activities, new technology that is suitable for innovation. |
10.3.1 | Justice is to provide equal opportunities and treated in a fair and non-discriminatory way. This is a must for every member in their job, including in developing academic activities. No discrimination against race, ethnicity, religion, gender, marital status, age, disability, and sexual orientation |

11.1.1 | Provide affordable housing for a) Employees and students b) Work with local authorities to address planning issues/development, including ensuring that local residents are able to access affordable housing |
11.2.1 | Provide convenient access to public transport, including for disabled students and sustainable commuting a) Measure and set targets b) Actions to promote the % of more sustainable commuting c) Prioritise pedestrian access on campus d) Promote or allow telecommuting or remote working for employees as a matter of policy or standard practice, and/or offer a condensed working week to reduce employee commuting |
11.2.1 | Provide public access (free/paid) a) To buildings and/or monuments and/or natural heritage landscapes b) To libraries including books and publications c) Public access to museums, exhibition spaces / galleries and/or works of art and artifacts d) To open spaces and green spaces |
11.2.1 | Contribute to local arts a) Annual public performances of university choirs / theatre groups / orchestras) b) Preserve intangible cultural heritage such as local folklore, traditions, language |
11.3.1 | Ratio of land consumption rate a) Total main campus area (meter square); b) Total main campus ground floor area of buildings (meter square); c) Total main campus building area (meter square) |
11.4.1 | Total expenditure (operating/investment/private funding) spent on the preservation, protection and conservation of arts and heritage include a) Operating expenditure on libraries, museums, galleries, exhibition spaces, theatres and open spaces provided there is some element of public access b) Expenditure on conservation and maintenance of open spaces or historic buildings or artifacts c) Expenditure on musical resources (e.g. instruments) also counts if there is some public benefit. |
11.5.2 | Direct economic loss, damage to infrastructure and disruption of basic services due to disasters |
11.6.1 | Proportion of urban solid waste regularly collected and with adequate final discharge out of total urban solid waste generate |
11.6.2 | Annual mean levels of fine particulate matter (e.g. PM2.5 and PM10) |
11.7.1 | Average share of the built-up area, open spaces and green spaces of campus that is open for public use for all including persons with disabilities |
11.a.1 | Implement urban and regional development plans a) Integrating population projections and resource needs b) Build new buildings to sustainable standards c) Build on brownfield sites, where possible |
11.b.1 | Adopt and implement national disaster risk reduction strategies in line with the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 |
11.b.2 | Adopt and implement local disaster risk reduction strategies in line with national disaster risk reduction strategies |

12.1.1 | Sustainable consumption and production (SCP) action plan as priority in policies |
12.2.1 | Material footprint including material footprint per capita |
12.3.1 | Measure amount of food loss and food waste: a) Generation b) Recycled c) Sent to landfill |
12.4.2 | Hazardous waste generated per capita, and proportion of hazardous waste treated, by type of treatment |
12.5.1 | National recycling rate percentage of waste recycled (amount of waste generated and recycled, amount of waste sent to landfill) |
12.6.1 | Number of Publication of sustainability report |
12.7.1 | Implementing sustainable public procurement policies and action plans on: a) Ethical sourcing of food and supplies b) Waste disposal including hazardous materials c) Measure amount of waste sent to landfill and recycled d) Use minimisation of plastic and disposable items e) Outside contractor that provide services and outsource supplier |
12.8.1 | Extent to which (i) global citizenship education and (ii) education for sustainable development are included in a) Education policiesKurikulum; b) Syslibus; dan c) Penilaian pelajar |
12.a.1 | Total expenditure on research and development for sustainable consumption and production and environmentally sound technologies |
12.b.1 | Number of sustainable edu-tourism strategies, policy and implemented action plan with evaluation tools |

13.1.1 | Low carbon energy use: Energy used from low-carbon sources: a) No fossil fuels b) Renewable sources (biomass, hydropower, geothermal) c) Power generation sources (wind, solar, nuclear) d) Electricity (renewable) e) Electricity (nuclear) To high impact research on people affected by disasters in the target community |
13.1.2 | Understand disaster risk reduction (DRR) concept of local communities with series of activities: a) Introducing best DRR practices; b) Sharing experiences of local communities; c) Mapping risk profiles (e.g. village watching); and d) Establishing community-led action plans and setting up community emergency |
13.2.1 | Promotes best practices, policies and directions for better implementing disaster risk management and mainstreaming DRR into development planning. DRR strategy with Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030. It addresses four themes: a) Promoting Risk-Informed Sustainable Development and Investment; b) Understanding Disaster Risk and Strengthening Risk Governance; c) Redefining DRR and Resilience Strategies d) From Knowledge to Action: Learning to Go the Last Mile. |
13.3.1 | Partnering with Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Kyushu University, Japan, Global Young Academy (GYA) based in Germany and researcher from Bangladesh |
13.3.2 | To increase the level of education, awareness-human capabilities and the institutions on the reduction of climate change, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning |
13.a.1 | The cooperation of Disaster Preparedness & Prevention Centre (DPPC), Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT) and Razak Faculty of Technology and Informatics, UTM KL in collaboration with Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Tohoku University and Disaster management Unit of Selangor. Strengthening the reduction of risk of disaster & of community safety by understanding the risk of disaster |

14.1.1 | University programme/initiative to reduce the sources of plastic/single-use plastic in Campus |
14.3.1 | University policy and governing the issue of plastics/single-use plastic |
14.4.1 | University programme/initiative to support the prohibition of single-use plastic in Campus and stakeholders |

15.1.1 | Forest area as a proportion of total land area on campus a) Covered in forest vegetation b) Covered in planted vegetation |
15.1.2 | Proportion of important sites for biodiversity and water absorption |
15.2.1 | Progress towards sustainable forest management a) Promote conservation and sustainable utilisation of the land b) Include local biodiversity into any planning and development process c) Collaborate with the local community to maintain shared land ecosystems d) Have water quality standards and guidelines for water discharge |
15.3.1 | Proportion of land that is degraded over total land area and initiative on land sensitive waste disposal: a) Water quality standards and guidelines for water discharges b) Policy on reducing plastic waste on campus and on waste disposal-covering hazardous materials |
15.6.1 | Number of countries that have adopted legislative, administrative and policy frameworks that promote appropriate access to resources on a) Food on campus is sustainably farmed b) Maintain ecosystems and biodiversity c) Conservation, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems |
15.8.1 | Proportion of countries adopting relevant national legislation and adequately resourcing the prevention or control of invasive alien species on campus |
15.a.1 | Offer educational programmes for local communities on a) Ecosystem b) Sustainable management of land for agriculture and tourism |
15.b.1 | Official development assistance and public expenditure on research and development for conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and ecosystems |

16.3.1 | Participation in local, regional and national government: Provide specific expert advice to local, regional or national government (for example, through policy guidance and participation in committees) |
16.6.1 | Primary University expenditures as a proportion of original approved budget, by sector |
16.6.2 | Proportion of UTM population satisfied with their last experience of services provided by a PTJ |
16.7.1 | Proportions of positions (by gender, age, disabilities status and population groups) in UTM compared to national distributions |
16.7.2 | Proportion of UTM population who believe decision-making is inclusive and responsive, by gender, age, disability status and population group |
16.10.2 | Adoption and implementation of constitutional, statutory and/or policy guarantees for public access to information |
16.b.1 | Proportion/number of UTM population reporting having personally felt discriminated against or harassed within the previous 12 months |

17.2.1 | Have direct involvement in, or input into, national government SDG policy development – including identifying problems and challenges, developing policies and strategies, modelling likely futures with and without interventions, monitoring and reporting on interventions, and enabling adaptive management |
17.3.1 | Participate in international collaboration on gathering or measuring data for the SDGs |
17.3.2 | Initiate and participate in cross-sectoral dialogue about the SDGs, e.g. conferences involving government/NGOs |
17.4.1 | Review comparative approaches and develop international best practice on tackling the SDGs |
17.5 (x) | Collaborate with NGOs and/or businesses to tackle the SDGs through: a) Student volunteering programmes b) Research programmes c) Development of educational resources |
(x) | Publishes a sustainability report for each 17 goals a) As part of the overall annual university report b) As a separate report c) Published in an open format |
17.4.1 | Have a commitment to meaningful education around the SDGs across the university programms |
17.6. 1 | Number of science and/or technology cooperation agreements and programmes between countries |
17.6.2 | Fixed Internet broadband subscriptions in campus, by speed |
17.7.1 | Total expenditure on research and development to promote the development, transfer, dissemination and diffusion of environmentally sound technologies |
17.8.1 | Proportion of individuals within campus using the internet |
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Block M38, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia,
UTM Johor Bahru, Johor
Block M38, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia,
UTM Johor Bahru, Johor